We suggest that all customers reset their password after gaining access to our online shop website. You may change your password by first logging in to the online shop at https://shop.gersoncompany.com, then selecting Change Password under the My Account drop down menu on the top navigation panel. Type your current password in the Old Password field, then type your desired password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields.
There are no restrictions, limitations, or specifications for your password; you may use as many or as few characters as you desire. We do suggest that you change your password to something you will remember easily. We also suggest that your password is a minimum of 8 characters with at least one numerical character, for your protection.
If you have forgotten your password, please visit the Customer Login screen for our online shop and select the “Forgot Your Password?” link. You will be asked to submit your username, and we will contact you with your updated password within one business day.