The Gerson Companies continues to receive great accolades from publications reporting on trends and breaking news in the gift and decorative accessory industry.

Lone Elm Studios™ 2017
Gerson is excited to have yet another of our brands, Lone Elm Studios™, featured in the February 2017 edition of Giftbeat. This season, Gerson has brought forth a new lifestyle directive into the Lone Elm Studios™ brand called the Bohemian Bee Collection, which showcases an eclectic homegrown farm fresh feel, while juxtaposing exotic accents and well-traveled nuances.
A product from this brand-new collection was selected and featured in Giftbeat as part of the “home entertaining trend”: the Honeycomb Wood and Metal Wall Bar (Gerson Sku 93715).
Special features on this item include a ‘fun’ctional natural wood door with white Honeycomb design on the front. The door is hinged to the metal wall bar frame at the base so the door may be opened, and two metal chains are affixed to the door which allow for the door to rest level transforming it into a small tabletop perfect for mixing and pouring drinks.
Also included are four assorted metal hooks attached to the bottom of the metal bar frame, which are perfect for housing Lone Elm Studios™ double old fashioned and highball glasses (Gerson Skus 93737 / 93738), or stemware glasses.

Lone Elm Studios™ 2017
The Gerson Companies products were also featured on, a popular website for breaking news in the gifts and decorative accessories industry. created a list of the website editors’ favorite items from the Las Vegas Winter Market held from January 22nd to 26th, and both Gerson International and Lone Elm Studios™ product lines were recognized in “Trend Spotting in Las Vegas”.
Lone Elm Studios™ Artsy Wood State Map (Gerson sku 93687), also from the new Bohemian Bee Collection, was selected as a Geography 101 favorite for the list. At 28.5-inches long and 20-inches tall, this antique-finished piece is the perfect decoration for any casual décor setting with a little extra wall space. The map is crafted from fir wood with iron mounts on the back.
Gerson International Christmas products were selected for the list as Traditional Holiday favorites, including one of our Christmas trees adorned with a variety of tree decorations from our Winter Lodge, Christmas Traditions, and Ornaments Collections. All Wood Lodge and Christmas Traditions themed tree decorations can be found in the Gerson International Christmas Collection 2017 catalog from pages 13 to 156. Gerson International also offers a large assortment of ornaments in the same catalog from pages 420 to 488.
These great accolades from February are just a continuation of the national success of The Gerson Companies products. Gerson International was acknowledged in the special December 2016/January 2017 publication of Giftbeat, where our Holiday Seasonal Decor products were listed in the National Charts. Gerson was thrilled to also be included in the Spotlight: Vendors of the Year feature as a supplier that “outshines all others.”

In the November 2016 issue of Giftbeat, Gerson was recognized and listed as most important in the National Charts for Indoor/Seasonal and Outdoor/Seasonal product categories. One of our bestselling products from our Garden Meadow® brand was featured on the front cover of the November issue (Gerson Sku 71997).

Visit our brand pages for more information on our nationally recognized products:
Lone Elm Studios™
Gerson International
Garden Meadow®
Like us on Facebook to stay updated on all our events and upcoming deals, such as warehouse sales, markets, and other seasonal promotions. For full access to all our product lines and online ordering, fill out a customer application for access to our our website. With website access, orders can be placed easily online for our products, including our Book & Buy product lines like Gerson International and Garden Meadow®!
If you are interested in ordering Gerson International Harvest/Halloween or Christmas Collection products for 2017, the deadline to place orders is February 10th, 2017.